Cynthie was born in New Zealand and was eagerly awaited by all of us at Brogan. Cynthie was lovingly bred by Lesley Chalmers of Merthyr and we had 7 beautiful pups from her by CH Wildifox Calloway Armani (6 boys & 1 girl). See photo below 5 red and 2 tricolor, all normal coated, June 1, 2011. Her daughter CH Brogan Tralee was bred to our Puck and produced 3 Champions.
Cynthie achieved her TDI (Therapy Dog International) and her CGC. We were so proud of her. She was a joy to all who met her, especially her vets.
We placed each Cynthie/Armani pup in the home that fit it best and ran on two show prospects, Graci and Kieran. Our goal was to keep only one and we decided Graci would stay. It was our Irish golf courses litter and they were super puppies. We recently lost Cyn to Lymphoma leaving a hole in Martiey's heart in Minnesota.