Upcoming Shows: We will campaign Charlotte til the National show in Dec.
We have new Champions with our partner Beaumanor Pembrokes ably shown by Stirling handling co-bred with our dear friend Dr. Robin Herrick.
Betty White BCAT title in lure coursing.
Mari is honored to have been elected for PWCCA National judges 2026 panel.
We will continue to show Lulu, and have new Champions Lexie,Jack and Andi..
Tommy Tune is doing amazing performance in TX
Lulu has won 3 more Specialties.
Mari has completed judging National shows in Canada including Cardigans.
Things to brag about:
Puck and Lulu were featured on PWCCA Nat. magazine.
covers .
Mimsi/Winston now has 6 champions in their litter. Tommy Tune was the last giving Mimsi ROM.
Mimsi has a BEST IN SHOW OWNER HANDLED & regular Groups 1,2 & 4. In addition there are lovely Puck and Major kids and grandswith noted breeders. Major has 17 litters now and a number of quality pups we see coming into the show ring. He has sired 13CH and 3 GCH. There are Major offspring finishing titles in Canada and are thrilled with all his pups.
We have youngsters waiting for the opportunity to show, some with Beaumanor co bred litters.
Other News:
In 2026 Mari will judge Bitches at PWCCA National! in 2024 she has judged the Garden State Specialty Show& Cardigans in Canada.
Mari has judged Sweepstakes for the Golden Gate Specialty in San Francisco , the Potomac Specialty in VA , the Palmetto Specialty (SC) and Gaitway Specialty Reg Classes 2008(St Louis) & the No.Texas Specialty in March of 2010. She will judge Canadian National specialty in August 2024.Mari has also judged specialty shows for Mayflower (MA),Potomac (MD), Cascade (WA), Garden State (NJ.),Palmetto (SC.)Atlanta GA,Gaitway MO, Columbia River plus Greater Houston in 2023 .Abroad she judged national specialties in Australia, England and Russia.
She has received her AKC judging license 2004 in Pembrokes and Cardigan Corgis. In 2023 and 24 she judged Australian Shepherds and and two Open Shows of unrecognized breeds.
Mari is listed as a "Breeder of Merit" by the AKC.
Mari served 7 years on the PWCCA Board and was honored to serve.
She is a member of Mayflower PWCC & Longshore/Southport KC. Mari serves as a mentor to prospective judges and future breeders.
Above, Betty White winning Award of Merit 2022 at National.
Right: Puck Best of Breed PWCCA National and Lulu .