CH Pemintenn Daydream Believer  x  Brogan Belle of the Ball ROM
1999- 2012 
Brogan's Belle of the Ball ROM

DAM to 
Brogan Do It Again      
Brogan Rubicon
Brogan Wouldn't It Be Nice
Brogan Valley of the Moon
AM CAN CH Brogan Canadien    
Brogan Quebec Nordique            
Brogan Pacific Star
CH Brogan Red Wing                
Brogan Kendall Jackson
Chime lived at Brogan and was one of our favorites. While she did not love the show ring, Chime had impressive wins. She won an Award of Merit at the Mayflower Specialty in 2003 and another at the Garden State Specialty in May 2004 since finishing her Championship. Chime produced three lovely litters, the most recent in Nov. of 2004 which was her last. We showed Chime a few times as a Veteran beginning Spring 2007. At age 11 1/2 she showed beautifully at the Mayflower Fall Match. She was probably one of the best we ever bred. Lymphoma claimed her in 2012. Her litter sister CH Brogan Bonny Bell at Harmony also died this summer. Very special girls.