Here are various pictures of puppies leaving Brogan and starting their lives with their new families who have become extensions of our family.
We keep in touch with many of our "kids" and their families.
Wally in Old Greenwich, CT
Smith family in Westport, CT with Faye/Gidget
Rhatigan family with Bacon. NYC and Long Island.
CH Brogan Robert Redford with his family, the Chans of Darien, CT. Redford is co owned with me and won his Championship easily plus his Trick Dog. in limited showing. He is Mimsi's son.
Misty now Cricket on Long Island, NY
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GCH CH Brogan Sky-Hi Curtain Call "Cece" who has her GRAND CH from specialties. She is expecting her first litter in March for Dr Michaelann Cox Mako of Norwalk CT. Co owned with me.